The Best Way to Control High Uric Acid Naturally

High uric acid is one of the things which hit you hard when you don’t gaze at the foods which you are eating every day.

Because we need to keep a Doctor’s eye on the food that we are eating daily.

Now why we eat foods the answer is to keep ourselves healthy and fit at every stage of our lives.

So we strive to keep us mentally and physically sound.

But sometimes we put ourselves in danger when we don’t abide by the habits which are necessary for a healthy life

Since the main cause of high uric acid is the foods which are rich in purine.

We know that when foods go in the breakdown process it produces uric acid which dissolves in the bloodstream,

Now after being filtered by the kidney, it comes out of the body as urine.

Since the primary function of the kidney is to remove waste products from the body,

But when we have high uric acid which results due to enriched purine foods.

Due to high purine our kidney is not able to function in a proper manner because it increases the level of uric acid.

Further it mixes with the bloodstream which leads to various diseases like hypertension and Gout arthritis.

Reasons For the Surge of High Uric Acid

  • Due to poor functioning of the kidney
  • Meat, beans, and foods high in purine
  • Due to High blood pressure, blood sugar, and heart problems
  • Family history, Genetic or Hereditary
  • Because of Intake of high amounts of dairy products
  • Due to Hyperthyroidism
  • Drugs to suppress the immune system.
  • Seafood and processed food
  • Due to Fat and obesity
  • High stress
  • Refined sugar, Sugary drinks, Corn syrup, and sweetened drinks.
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Due to Overweight since it causes high blood sugar and high blood pressure.


  • Fatigue and loss of energy
  • Swollen joints
  • Constipation
  • Disorders of kidney
  • Muscle stiffness
  • It can lead to kidney stones
  • Gout, inflammation, and swelling


  • Kidney diseases
  • Diabetes
  • Hypothyroidism
  • Can lead to cancer
  • Psoriasis

Foods Which Escalates the Level of Uric Acid in the Body

  • Vegetable such as Cauliflower
  • Turkey
  • Fish
  • Mutton
  • Green Peas
  • Beans and Mushrooms
  • Processed foods and refined carbohydrates

Drugs Which Spike the Level

  • Vitamin B-3(Niacin)
  • Drugs that suppress the immune system
  • Drugs of chemotherapy
  • Diuretics
  • Aspirin

Natural Remedies for the Raised High Uric Acid Level

high uric acid
Image Source-Pixabay

Lose Weight:

You need to lose weight and keep the BMI maintained because it plays a major role in decreasing high uric acid as it has been observed that if your weight is above the BMI, it will be harder for the kidney to filter uric acid.

Drink Coffee:

Drinking coffee is good when you have high uric acid because several studies suggest that people who drink coffee have a very less chance of developing this disease and cardiovascular disease.

Exercise Regularly:

Regular exercise is a key to good health since it increases the blood flow in our body and generates new cells and removes toxins from the body.

Moreover, it increases the oxygen level in the body which is a boon for a healthy body.

Lessen Fat Intake:

Eat foods which are low in fat and rich in calories because research shows that fatty cells and tissues make the uric acid level rise and there is one more observation that Increased level of insulin in the body can be a cause of high uric acid.

Avoid Alcohol:

Avoid alcohol beer and soft drinks because it is not good for health as Alcohol and sweet drinks raise the risk for an increased level of uric acid.

Reduce Sugar Intake: –

Because it absorbs in the blood faster which leads to high sugar levels and can be one of the causes of high uric acid.

Increase The Intake of Vitamins:

Increase the intake of vitamins because intake of vitamins can boost the immune system and reduce the risk of uric acids and Gout.

Take Less Purine-Rich Foods:

Reduce foods rich in purine because it is one of the major causes of an increased level.

Hydrate Yourself:

Drink a lot of water because drinking plenty of water can flush the harmful toxins and uric acid from the body if your kidney is functioning in a proper manner.

Normal Range:

Since it has been observed that the Normal range of Uric acid is 3.4-7.0 mg/dl in male and 2.4-6.0mg in female

So you need to keep the level in the mentioned range only.

Eat Green Leafy Vegetables:

Green leafy vegetables are essential in decreasing high uric acid since it contains essential vitamins and nutrients which is an essential tool in bringing it back in the normal range.

Eat Foods Rich in Fiber:

Use fibrous foods to decrease the level. Examples are oranges, pears, strawberries, whole grains, etc. because the beauty of fibrous food is that it controls spikes in blood sugar levels and controls insulin in the body thus helpful in controlling high uric acid.

Drink Lemon Juice:

Lemon juice is essential in decreasing the high level because it contains vitamin C which neutralizes high uric acid and promotes the development of calcium carbonate which gives strength to the joints.

Eat Cherries:

Cherries are also helpful in decreasing high level.

Take Proper Sleep:

Avoid using a laptop and similar devices before bed and relaxation to the eyes also tea and coffee must be avoided before bedtime and make a proper routine for sleeping and waking up.

Managing Your Stress:

High stress level and poor sleeping habits and too little exercise can be a cause of inflammation in the body which can lead to a raised level so manage these kinds of stuff in order to keep you healthy.

Foods That Controls and Maintains the Level of Uric Acid

high uric acid
Image Source-Pixabay
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Dried fruits
  • Oats
  • Nuts
  • Whole grains
  • Bread and Potato
  • Low-fat dairy products
  • Cherries
  • Lean meat such as chicken
  • Olive oils and Avocado
  • Low amount of Vitamins C
  • Fruits that are high in fiber and low in sugar
  • Apple
high uric acid
Image Source-Pixabay


Q: -What are the main causes of high uric acid?

Ans: -The main causes of high uric foods are high urine and when kidney stops functioning in a proper way.

Q: -What are the foods which can reduce high uric acid level?

Ans: -1. Tea and Coffee 2. Fruits and vegetables 3. Lean meat 4. Banana and Apples 5. Cherries and citrus fruits.

Q: -What is the fastest way to reduce high uric acid?

Ans: -There are so many ways to lower high uric acid level but the best ways are 1. Avoid drugs and supplements which spikes the level 2. Maintain healthy weight 3. Drink Green tea 4. Eat healthy Vitamins 5. Avoid sugar drinks

The Take Away

The best thing after reading the article we came to know that whatever we eat we need understand and maintain the decorum of healthy habits otherwise we will put ourselves in big dangers that will ruin our health so eat a balanced diet and perform regular exercises and make yourself in such a manner so that others will follow your footsteps.

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