How To Maintain the Best Health After The ’60s

Maintain The Best Health by Following Tips

maintain the best health
Image Source-Pixabay

Maintaining a healthy life to maintain the best health is a very important aspect of our daily life.

You can reach any age but there is always a craving to attain good health, but in old age, it is quite difficult to maintain good health.

The old age is age of diseases but if you follow certain health tips you can achieve better result, please have a glance on the below paragraph.

Tips to Maintain Good Health

maintain the best health
Image Source-Pixabay


Do some sort of exercise every day like walking briskly for half an hour or 45 minutes as per your Medical Practitioner because regular exercising will make your heart healthy.

It can boost you mentally and physically by stringing the muscles and bones and it can save you from chronic diseases and thus maintain the best health.

Fiber is Important:

Eat fewer calories by cutting out refined white bread, sugar, sweets, and white rice and add fiber to your diet because it can ease the stomach by relieving constipation and lowers the risk of diabetes and heart disease, and aids in weight loss.

Have Lust for Veggies and Fruits:

Vegetables and fruits can add lots of fibers to your body so instead of eating unhealthy foods you put stress on eating fruits and veggies which can make your digestive system strong and give you a healthy heart.

Make a Hobby:

Add some hobbies to your like gardening, writing, reading, walking, or making a new healthy cuisine.

Love Yourself:

Self-motivation is a very important aspect for the upliftment of a healthy body and mind so love and feel good about yourself can give you enormous strength

Drink More Water:

To maintain a vigor level in the body one needs to add more glasses of water in addition to the normal routine like two or three glasses more.

Don’t Skip Meals:

Eat three times a day to boost your metabolism and body mechanism.

Skip Cigarette:

Stop or lessen the intake of cigarettes and tobacco to keep yourself healthy.

Go for Regular Checkups:

The Risk of heart disease after 40 and 60 is more as per one of the surveys of the US agency for health care research and quality.

Watch Motivational Videos:

These videos have a great impact on our life irrespective of the age it will keep you mentally sound.

Don’t Embark on Supplements:

You need to avoid dietary supplements as it increases the risk of heart disease.

Get More Sleep:

Sleeping for 8 to 9 hrs.’ is nectar to a healthy body and it is advisable not to take a nap during the day as it will disturb your sleeping pattern during the night, maintain a proper sleeping routine and make your room dark and quiet before sleep.

Walk After the Meal:

Go for a walk, especially after the night meal because it is best to digest the meals and to maintain the best health.

Don’t Overeat:

Overeating is the biggest danger irrespective of the age the livers of yours need to do an extra job to break the meals.

Avoid Tea and Coffee during the Night:

Tea and coffee must be avoided after night meals as it is a hindrance to good and soothing sleep and is a big barrier to maintain the best health.

Avoid Falls:

In old age it is very difficult if you get a fracture so take the aid of a handrail when you are climbing stairs and perform balancing exercises, lit the dark areas in order to prevent falls.

Brain Exercise:

Get yourself indulged in solving some puzzles and some sort of mathematics to keep your brain healthy and to maintain the best health of the brain.

maintain the best health
Image Source-Pixabay

Final Thoughts

Since from the above paragraphs, we come to know how important it is to maintain a balanced and healthy life without any diseases.

This can be achieved only by omitting the detrimental habits and opting for good ones, so it is necessary to choose the correct diet with rich calories embedded in fiber with proper exercise and morning walk to lead a blissful life and to maintain the best health.

Lead a healthy life and keep yourself healthy at all the stages of your life and maintain the best health.

Author-M H KARIM

Q: -How to keep yourself healthy after your 60s?

Ans: -1. Take proper sleep 2. Eat correct calories 3. Perform light exercise go for checkups once in six months.

Last Updated-10 Feb 2022

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