How To Strengthen Your Beautiful Lungs Naturally

Lungs are a very important organ of our body.

The condition nowadays is very bad so everybody is struggling to search for how they can strengthen the lungs.

The main function of the lungs is to provide oxygen to the capillaries so that the blood can be oxygenated.

When we inhale the lung expands and suck air and oxygen go into it and when we exhale carbon dioxide is released.

Lungs are a very important organ of our body and their prime function is to remove carbon dioxide and all other harmful gases.

The de-oxygenated blood supplied by the heart to the lungs and further, it supplies fresh oxygen-rich blood to the heart which is supplied to all the body parts.

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Ways To Save Lungs from Damage

Quit Smoking:

Smoking can damage lung tissue and has the potential to cause lung cancer and several respiratory illnesses including asthma and COPD.

Cigarette smoke narrows the air way because it contains harmful chemicals like nicotine and tar which makes breathing difficult and causes chronic inflammation and swelling of the lungs.

Include Vitamin D in Your Diet:

Vitamin D is an essential element of the body that prevents several diseases including asthma

Hence increase the intake of Vitamin D by taking Sunbath, Orange juice, and eggs.

Do Deep Breathing Exercises:

Deep breathing exercises are good for the body.

So, you need to take a stopwatch, set the time and sit in a quiet place.

Concentrate on the breathing inhale and exhale for the set time.

Repeat it again, it can strengthen your lungs.

Get Vaccination On Time:

Get the required vaccination of flu, influenza, and pneumonia and the requisite if somebody is having a lung-related illness.

Indulge Yourself in Regular Exercise:

Do regular exercise as it can strengthen your lungs since it increases the blood flow.

It strengthens the cardiovascular system and lungs and generates new cells in the body.

If you are a beginner, do it under the supervision of a fitness trainer or consult your doctor.

Go For Regular Health Check-Ups:

If you are having breathing difficulty, persistent cough, or any other respiratory illness.

Get in touch with a registered Medical Practitioner.

Eat Right:

Eat correct foods and a balanced diet take the help of a dietician.

Choose all the foods in equal proportion with enriched calories.

Maintain Good Hygiene:

Wash your hand frequently prior to and after meals do not touch any unwanted surfaces

Inhale Steam and Take Steam Bath:

Inhale and exhale in a proper manner and take steam baths, face steam in order to keep the lungs healthy.

Brushing Your Teeth Two Times a Day:

It can keep the mouth free from several infections to make it healthy.

Brushing is also an essential tool for healthy lungs.

Avoid Passive Smoking:

Prevent yourself from passive smoke or second-hand smoke.

As it is equally dangerous and avoids places that allow smoking.

Do not allow anyone to smoke in front of you.

Improve Indoor Air by Planting Greeneries:

Plant more trees indoors and avoid fragrances that contain harmful chemicals.

Keep the rooms and the sitting area well ventilated in order to maintain the circulation of air.

Decrease The Intake of Pollutants:

Do not go outside unnecessarily and minimize outdoor meetings with the correct alternatives.

Moreover, avoid synthetic fragrances and wear a mask if the outside air is allergic to you.

Foods That Strengthen the Lungs

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Tomatoes are a great source of lycopene which is a great source of antioxidant that reduces airway inflammation.

It is a boon for people who are suffering from asthma and improves the condition of the lungs.

Drink More Water

To increase lung health, drink more water because it helps in keeping the mucous line of the lung thin.

Folic Acid and Folate

Foods enriched in folate are often observed to prevent asthma and bronchitis.

Beans, Lentils and Peas

  • It has high Levels of hemoglobin in red blood cells also plays an important role in maintaining healthy lungs.
  • Because it carries oxygen to the body tissue and several foods increase the level.
  • The above foods contain magnesium, iron, potassium, and copper, along with vitamin C.
  • These rich foods prevent us from COPD and lung cancer because less intake of folate can cause it.

Bell Peppers

These are rich in Vitamin C and are water-soluble nutrients that act as powerful antioxidants for the body to improve lung function.


Berries are also a great source of Vitamin C, antioxidants, and anthocyanins.

Thus, it protects the lung tissue from oxidative damage, cell damage, and free radicals.


This is one of the essential foods which improve the condition of the lungs as it is anti-inflammatory.

It also removes pollutants from the lungs, relieves air congestion, and cleans the airway.

High concentration of Antioxidants and Vitamin C in Apples

It improves the condition of the lungs since it lowers the risk of lung cancer and lowers the risk of asthma.


The above stated also improves the condition of the lungs as it is rich in antioxidants,

Its main compound is curcumin which improves lung function.

Green Tea

Green tea also improves lung function as it prevents fibrosis because it raises the level of anti-oxidants also it is inflammatory.

Red Cabbage

Red cabbage is good for health since it contains anthocyanins that prevent lung tissue from oxidative damage.

Some research and studies suggest that coffee contains antioxidants and caffeine which helps in improving the condition of the lungs and eliminates the chances of asthma so intake of coffee in the morning is good for the lungs.

Whole Grains

Whole grains contain essentials nutrients in the form of Vitamin E and flavonoids which improve the condition of the lung.

Cocoa or Dark Chocolates

It contains flavonoids which are good for the lungs because it relaxes the airway and strengthens the lungs as it contains theobromine.

The foods which contain Beta-carotene are good for lung health are red bell peppers, mangoes, carrots, broccoli, and apricots which further convert into Vitamin A which is an essential nutrient for the lungs.

Foods Enriched in Vitamin C like Sprouts, Oranges, Tomatoes, and Kiwi fruit are also found to maintain healthy lungs as some research shows that it can also prevent lung cancer


Broccoli also contains Vitamin C, phytochemicals, folate, and carotenoids that fight all the elements which damage the lungs and improve respiratory health.

Beetroot and Beet Green

These are rich in nitrates because they relax the blood vessels which reduces blood pressure.

Usage of it optimizes oxygen intake and it is also rich in potassium, magnesium, Vitamin C, and carotenoids (antioxidants) which maintain healthy lungs.


Pumpkins is also a great source of carotenoids which include beta-Carotene, Zeaxanthin and Lutein.

All these constituents have powerful and anti-inflammatory properties and their higher levels can improve lung function.

Olive Oil

It is also beneficial in maintaining healthy lungs as it is a concentrated source of anti-inflammatory antioxidants, ploy phenols, and vitamin E which improves the overall condition of lung health.

Brazil Nuts

They are high in selenium and intake of it may help in improving the condition of the lungs.

Some studies suggest that it can prevent lung cancer and improve the condition for those who are asthmatic and makes the immune system stronger.

The risk of asthma decreases by taking Almonds, Broccoli, and hazelnuts as it has loads of Vitamin E.

Foods To Avoid During Respiratory Ailments

  • Packed Lemon Juices, Pickled foods, Shrimp and Sulfites

These foods can worsen the condition for those who are suffering from asthma and any respiratory illness.

  • Garlic, Onions Beans, and Carbonated Drinks

The foods above produce gases and disturb the condition because it can make the condition worse so you need to avoid it.

  • Salicylates, Tea, Coffee, Some herbs, and Aspirin

Some of the people are sensitive to the above foods so you need to avoid it during any respiratory diseases.


Q: -What are the main functions of the Lungs?

Ans: -The main function of the lungs is it filters Oxygen from the air and supplies it our body and it keeps Carbon dioxide out.

Q: -What are the main signs and symptoms of lung damage?

Ans: -The main signs of lung damage are 1. Coughing blood and mucus 2. Feeling difficulty in doing exercise 3. A persistent cough 4. Having difficulty in breathing 5. Feeling pain while breathing in and breath-out

Q: -How can you make your lungs strong?

Ans: –1. Eat foods which are enriched in antioxidants 2. Get vaccinations on time 3. Exercise regularly 4. Avoid tobacco and smoke 5. Improve the air quality in your room.

Final Words

Nowadays the situation is very bad and everybody is working hard to maintain their health so that outside diseases cannot impact on them.

You need to follow standard protocols to achieve the best result.

During pandemic the regulatory body needs to set some rules for practice to maintain a healthy body.

Everyone needs to practice this without any breach to save yourself and humanity from the current scene.

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Last Updated: -02 April 2022